You've probably heard of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in children. But, believe it or not, it no longer is a childhood problem. The condition can also occur during adulthood. In fact, most people don't even realize they're suffering from ADD.
The key to overcoming the disorder is understanding the challenges that go with it. It's about learning to compensate for your areas of weakness. Unlike before, numerous help channels for people with Attention Deficit Disorder are widely available.
Those who were diagnosed with childhood ADD have high chances of carrying some symptoms into their adult years. However, just because you didn't have the condition as a child doesn't exempt you from being affected by it. Take not of the following.
1. Lacking focus. One common sign of the said condition is the difficulty to focus on something. It doesn't necessarily mean that you can't pay attention. It's just that you are easily distracted. For instance, you can't finish a project or follow a conversation.
2. Too much focus. The opposite of the first sign, people with ADD/ADHD have the tendency to engage themselves too much in something they like. They can be so engrossed in an activity that they won't notice anything else around them. This can lead to relationship problems.
3. Forgetfulness. It's normal for others to forget things on an occasional basis. However, for those with ADD, forgetfulness may become a part of their routine. They may forget important dates which can negatively affect their career or relationships.
4. Disorganized. We've all had that chaotic day wherein our busy schedule takes its toll on us. But, those diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder in Adults may experience a hectic life on a daily basis. This includes trouble with prioritizing, time management and the like.
5. Low self-esteem. Due to frequent problems in school, work or relationships, ADD sufferers can result to having low self-esteem. They also tend to be hypercritical of themselves. They may focus more on the negative side because of personal failures.
6. Impulsiveness. Another common Attention Deficit Disorder in Adults symptom, impulsiveness may manifest not only in your shopping habits. This covers being socially inappropriate, acting without considering the consequences, or rushing through activities.
8. Mood swings. According to an ADD/ADHD foundation, most adults with the disorder seek support due to emotional concerns. Going through mood swings can be similar to a roller coaster ride. They may easily become bored, so they look for excitement without notice.
9. Relationship issues. Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder may find some difficulty in maintaining relationships - romantic or professional. Their symptoms might be interpreted by their other half as uncaring, insensitive, or irresponsible.
Even with all the above-mentioned signs and symptoms, the silver lining is that you can overcome ADD. There may be no Attention Deficit Disorder in Adults medication, but there are numerous support groups and coaching programs that can help.
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