In Vedic written text the onrolling procedure of how the one Brahman became many is known as vivartavarda. That there are available the many is a superimpositon enforced by maya; that is, the one is enjoying all the roles. The whole creational tale is where depersonalization, impersonalization and detachment is on a main stage. On the one side there is this continuous changeless a continual and however, flux, and modify. What records for this double phenomena?
The immovable seems to have a wide range of symptoms. The causa sine qua non of all motions is awareness. Those researchers into Vedic technology must have determined that historical Rishis realized how to implement this spanda. Nowadays, specialist believe that DNA requires lifestyle down certain methods and that this compound is a accountable home, simultaneously neglecting awareness as cause. DNA keeps the key as to how the undifferentiated unity and classified declares of multiplicity are linked.
Kashmir Shavism also talks of Matrika or She. Nowadays we would contact this the matrix or the impression. The universe and everything we encounter in it through the five feelings and the mind is congealed or coagulated energy of the unity. Provided that you are not arriving from your God Self you cannot be a gamer and stay at the impact stage.
Eventually you must come to understand that everything you see is nothing more than spanda or pulsations, you start to raise the veil that deluded your awareness viz a viz the matrix. Science identifies solitons as a beat like trend. Our solitonic DNA framework generates and gets photons that modify our framework gradually.
Every mobile contains atomic DNA details about the whole whole body much like a hologram; ergo, the prospective to create being successful trend duplicates prevails developing a matrix as a superimposition. What has to be recognized about spandana or vibrations is simple action. That which is still (consciousness) seems to move; that is, the mild of awareness is not individual from reveal truth. Shiva or your atmic awareness, simultaneously unmoving, delivers impulses (waves) as in sequence. The trend compound duality includes development (particle), devastation (collapse) and a being successful trend. The overall look of action is a superimposition.
Physical action such as DNA duplication happens in the spatio-temporal globe does so in sequence due to the energy of your energy and effort. Shiva or the atma are available beyond area and efforts and goes not but makes these pulsations (spanda). At the biggest stage of our being we always comprehend factors as a whole, whereas in the actual globe, we comprehend activities as modifying roles in area continuous with one time to the next.
In the huge "superimposition"; that is, a compound is in all possible declares at the same time-until one looks at it. Now, what about the greatest viewer or Bhraman who is the unique seer? The query happens, how many details are there, many or one? We only know one factor for sure, whenever it is calculated, it is only in one condition and when not calculated it is in the "superimpostion" condition or all declares.
The design of DNA is the Shiva lingam. Upon research of the lingam is the main principal or "bana" A cobra or reptile spinning around an axis looking like a springtime. This is important because we know that the DNA compound is a Helix that specialist today create reference to as a stairway. The cobra facilitates the "bana" like the DNA requires assistance of the nucleus. The reduplication of the DNA fibers imitates the copulating snakes.
Just as our DNA superimposes our genetics on our progeny; Shiva is known as "one who generates decades."The universe has a form like the Shiva linga, its main huge [ i.e., bana] is 25,000 many decades in size. The greatest energy is "one" and the spandana or beat superimposes itself on the many.
Spanda is a certain action in the area of awareness itself. Spanda allows Shiva to reveal, sustain and take out the whole universe, though Shiva does not shift. The comparative in China viewpoint would be "wu-wei" or actionless action.
Quantum chemistry is starting up to the factor where we will all comprehend our entanglement with each other. This simple stage of connections happens in area that has details we can tap into. We can see this in Sheldrake's Morphogenetic Area. That DNA can speak out loud with this area is already known as huge science in action. The beat is not electric or attractive as susceptible. Now it is recognized that those areas are scalar areas popular in area.
That we all have simple systems interpenetrating each other is a superimposition. As Sri Yukteswar eluciated in his "Holy Science", man has yet to find these simple efforts. Consciousness is not electronic or complete of computational pieces. Our thoughts do factors that are non computable. The thoughts is not in the mind. Psychological activities can be specific through qualia, a phrase for all very subjective knowing. What do we truly know of the universe except by very subjective knowing. Even technology is very subjective despite all efforts to decrease purpose details.
Matter and energy is apparently all that is but a third factor is losing. Certainly huge concept started out the entrance describing consiousness but qualia will help us comprehend the specific whole. In a participatory universe as H Everett wa Wheeler describes, the topic must be involved as an viewer. When Einstein said, "I want to know the mind of God(Shiva) the relax is just details." The thoughts behind the universe gives us superimposition over development. Spanda is the awareness surf of Shiva guiding DNA; the latter does not do the guiding.
About the Author
Writer, poet, astrologer, specialist and new age thinker
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